Clarksburg Wine Company 2010 cVociferus Blend

clarksburgwinebottlesClarksburg Wine Company 2010 cVociferus Blend

Mostly Petite Sirah but blended with Petit Verdot and Cabernet Sauvignon.  The Cab is the minority stakeholder in this business but it just won’t be restrained and pushed to the front of your nose.  In fact, it smells like a typical Cab grown next to a riverbed covered in blueberries.  Once you get it on the lips however, it drinks more like a Petit Sirah.  The structure is intriguing and you definitely want to return to smelling and back to your mouth.  This is not a common blend which is also appealing. I am not one to say much for pairings but it screams to be had with food.  Slightly acidic with quite a long finish.  I almost bought a bottle and the price point kept this from me pulling out my wallet and rating this a 5.

Retail: $28.00

(K&S Rating: 4 of 6)



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