
"Hyland vineyard has been a part of the Willamette Valley since 1971. You can’t talk about the origins of Oregon winemaking without mentioning the gentle giant overlooking the Van Duzer corridor. Untouched, unmoved and self-rooted, Hyland’s gnarly 50-year old vines remain entrenched in red volcanic Jory soil. They’ve been there since the beginning, watching as new neighbors have moved in and planted their own vineyards."

• July 2021

• Post: Not Yet

K&S Comments:

“As I love to do when I’m on my wine trips, this I chose Hyland by throwing the proverbial dart at the wine trail map. Rebecca greeted me literally as I walked in the door and she was an absolute breath of fresh air. She started me off with their GW & Pinot rosé which Rebecca called their “Porch Pounder.” That is a Willamette thing if you haven’t heard it. Finished my tasting with a great Pinot horizontal with 3 different clone designate wines. Great tasting. Always trust the wine map dart!”


K&S Notes:

• Mostly a grape wholesaler to brands like Sokol Blosser.
• 9 different clones and 2nd oldest Riesling planting in Willamette.
• Tastings, by the glass and by the bottle available.
• A subsidiary of NW Wine Co.
• Tasting room is not what you would expect from outside.
• Bar, table, lounge and patio tastings.

Winery Type:

Public, Traditional

Tasting Fee:

(waived w/2 bottle purchase)


Chardonnay, Riesling, Gewurztraminer, Pinot Noir

Bottle Price:

$25 – $110


~5K Cases