Abundance 2010 Raspberry Sparkling Wine

2010.abundanceraspberryAbundance 2010 Raspberry Sparkling Wine

Holy Raspberries Batman! That does say raspberry on the bottle doesn’t it. Wow!  That is sweet.  If you like sweet bubbles, then this if for you.  I did get a hint of green apple, and yup, you guessed it, more sweet raspberries.  

Retail: $12.00


(K&S Rating: 3 of 6)

Winemaker Notes: “Our delicious AV Sparkling Wine with the essence of raspberry!  Abundance Vineyards Raspberry Sparkling Wine explodes with delicious red raspberry flavor on top of our hints of pear, green apple, and toasted coconut. Our Raspberry Sparkling Wine is demi-sec, yet lively, and is a refreshing change from the traditional! “



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