Clarksburg Wine Company 2010 Cabernet Sauvignon

clarksburgcabsauv2010Clarksburg Wine Company 2010 Cabernet Sauvignon

This is a clean wine.  Well crafted. It is sleek.  Not sleek like a race car but sleek like a flawless piece of fruit freshly picked from the tree.  It is definitely not trying to do too much and lives by the rule that less is more.

Full of floral notes in the nose.  Slightly acidic on the palate.  It balances quickly and the full body takes over.  Great finish!

Make sure to let her breathe.  A little of that old school… old world kind of feel.  This is a rare quality in a wine so young and at such a low price point.

Retail: $26.00

(K&S Rating: 5 of 6)



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