Personality of Wine

2014.11.friendsThanksgiving break has offered me some perspective. Some focus.

I began this wine BLOG/ journey about 18 months ago. I sought to meet wineries, wines and winemakers. I sought to venture as far as I could travel. That journey has been phenomenal with close to 500 different wines under my belt, I have no intention of slowing down.  I can’t resist the thrill of adventure. Recently I stumbled on an unintentional philosophical nugget of wisdom that I feel compelled to share.

Wine is a catalyst for sharing. Wine is a catalyst for connecting and reconnecting. Wine has the uncanny ability of bringing and keeping people together fostering and facilitating social dialogue. Strangers, new friends, family and best of all old friends benefit from the “personality of wine.” I have always believed is but never realized the power of the saying, “The better the wine, the better the conversation.” Some may say its the alcohol, I would argue that it is so much more. Wine is grown, planned, crafted and presented much the way a friendship develops. The longer they grow the better they become. They share the same energy. I am thankful for good wine and good friends. I am especially thankful for those I have gotten to visit with in the last week or so and excited to plan meetings and gatherings in the weeks to come.

Here’s to good wine. Here’s to good friends.





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