Borra Vineyards 2011 “2:30am” Merlot

2011.borra.230merlotBorra Vineyards 2011 “2:30am” Merlot

Great nose full of raspberries with some cloves and spice. Oh wait.. and Cherries! Expect a spicy ride on this rascal. Definitely shows up to play from nose to finish. Yes sir, another please! • 140 cases (I just heard they have sold them all. Where did that sad face emoji go?)

Retail: $18.99

(K&S Rating: 4 of 6)

Winemaker Notes: “Our full-bodied, middle-of-the-night Merlot will mesmerize you with scents of smoky oaked bacon in a potpourri of cloves and equal helpings of cherries and rose petals. These echo in your mouth, bathed in seamlessly smooth tannins, leading to a long finish of spicy tart red raspberries and cherries with roasted Mexican peppers. Make sure you’ve got a pail of pork chow mein standing by.”



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